Good but hasnt got a lot of ship
Good but hasnt got a lot of ship
Really fun game, but needs more ships :)
Open Crash Open Crash... Crash everytime! Help me please :(
i completed level 27 and never saw means to get super yamato. kept waiting for a fix that never came. game crashes whenever using baltimore, long beach, or montana since this patch. please fix and give me my super yamato!
Crashes way too much, fix the game!!!!!!
For anyone like me who wants to play world of warships but on the mobile item. Super fun, really good play style, cool designs. Only thing missing is pvp and the ability to fully customize the arms layout with items you want to specifically have. And ship design course would be nice. Overall, really good game :)
Is a good game I love
Crashes constantly! Please fix! Im unable to progress due to the crashing! Fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the best naval game in world
I love the fact that they update this game often and each update adds tons of content. Keep it up!
I used to always play this game.But now I cant because of the new update.This was my only game that never had problems until now.
When you destroy enemy ship, you sometimes find rewards like money, but you HAVE to move your ship to there. Which is hard when using a aircraft carrier. It also makes you come closer to other ships making you valuable to enemy like aircraft carriers bosses. Sometimes I dont go after the reward to avoid damage or the ship is too slow. As you go further into the game, it becomes really hard to beat. Even in easy mode, you still have to spend gold to win, unless you buy a strong ship with gold.
I have 2 point :- 1-We would like to be more golds please give us and this game one of the popular best game. 2- after your update ((session 3 )) I cant enter in the game. Why ???
Loved season 2 had a great time playing. It crashed quite a bit but the game was so good I just went with it. Just got the season 3 update and it will not load. Load screen comes up then it crashes. iPad mini user FYI.
Its a great game I love it until the update. The game wont let me in it crashes when the app is loading plz fix this
I rated this 3 stars a couple of weeks back. Glad to say all problems I mentioned were fixed. Thank you very much!
Every time when I try to enter Battle Arena for my 4th or 5th attempt, it crashes and kicks me out and when I go back I find that I LOST one attempt. Please fix.
The game crashes once it starts every time after the latest update. Unplayable!!
Why I am not able to sell the ship ?